The Power of 10 Minutes A Day

ben-lo-tsf-slider1Is there something you’re wanting to change, something you’re wanting to address, something new you’re wanting to bring into your life?

Maybe it’s more movement, more exercise, maybe it’s a spiritual practice or learning something new, maybe it’s journaling or reading a book that you’ve been wanting to read. Maybe it’s straightening something in your home or your desk, spending time with your wife or kids, or learning a new skill.

Many of us despise the little things, the little times. We feel that if we want to make a major change we need a major overhaul and we get so overwhelmed that we never take that first step.

So today I want you to realize the power of setting aside 10 minutes a day.

Ten minutes a day to start opening up a new space, a new channel in your life for change.

Ten minutes may not seem like a lot, but it’s not just that 10 minutes and what you get done in that 10 minutes; it’s also the fact that you’re opening up and setting aside this new space, that your attention is now going to this new arena.

The compounding of that over time is amazingly powerful.

Don’t despise the power of this—if there’s something you’re feeling the desire to add or to bring into your life, rather than feel frustrated that you haven’t done a major overhaul or don’t have more time to do it, recognize the power of 10 minutes and set aside that time.

You can grab 10 minutes a day on a break and start reading or learning something new.

You could set aside 10 minutes at the end of your day to journal, and you might not even do a whole lot, but you’ve now set that time aside–that “space” aside–to see what will come out of it, and what will come to you.

I know for me, working at home, sometimes I feel there’s always more to do, and there were times, especially in the beginning, when I kept pushing aside my family who wanted my attention.

Yes, you do want to block off focused time for work, especially if you’re working at home, which is a whole new dynamic becoming more and more common these days; but during an afternoon or on a break you can grab 10 minutes to focus on one of your kids or on your spouse—10 minutes to read a story or step outside—it may not seem like a lot, but it is—you give that undivided focused attention to somebody or to something that’s important to you, and you start to create that space that, compounded over time, creates powerful results.

Ten minutes won’t really take that much out of your day, your work, or anything you need to do, but 10 minutes given to your child on a consistent basis will make a difference to them…a big difference over time.

Ten minutes given to a new habit, 10 minutes for some quiet time, a quick walk, or journaling — will make a difference.

Plus you’re creating that new space that eventually may grow into more than 10 minutes. But even if it doesn’t, that 10 minutes itself will compound over time…and will actually have an effect on you and your day beyond the 10 minutes itself!

So now I have a question.

Take a moment…and then decide…

What’s one area you could devote 10 minutes per day to that would make a difference in your life?

How about taking action and anchoring this decision by sharing it in the comments below? And feel free to share your own experience with the power of 10 minutes a day.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Dr. Ben

P.S.  If you’re currently in transition or looking to expand your income or your skills into a new arena, I invite you to explore a powerful possibility at Work with Ben

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at I look forward to connecting with you!

7 thoughts on “The Power of 10 Minutes A Day”

  1. Dr. Ben,
    I love this thought! Realizing that 10 minutes a day is doable and committing to this for even 6 days, I will have spent an hour doing something effective. I am always trying to do new things, starting new projects but I have a hard time finishing all of them. This next week I will spend 10 minutes a day working on my daughters blanket, seeing the progress after 6 days might incourage me to finish it by Christmas. Wish me luck! Peace, Love & Happiness.

  2. Love this one. 10 min, is doable, and definitely not overwhelming. This makes great sense, and I will implement it into my life.

  3. Thanks for this great reminder! Many of us think we have to make big changes all at once. I tell my clients if you were leaving Seatle on a plane to Boston and the pilot changed course by just onedegree, you might end up in Florida! Small steps, like 10 minutes a day, can make a big difference.

    Bonnie McFarland’s last blog post..After 60: Balancing Income, Meaning & Impact

  4. Great example, Bonnie, and thank you both (Gemma & Bonnie) for your comments–glad this idea hit home!

  5. Great ideas Ben. I agree – any habit or routine, positive or negative can be created or broken with repetition. 10 Minutes a day is indeed all it takes to create a new pattern of excellence in areas you’re passionate about. I’ve learned to “work backwards” from goals with this technique – I visualize where I want to be, and what steps would be necessary to achieve this. From there, I make sure these steps are part of my life, every single day – even if just for a moment. To answer your question, the one area I could devote additional 10 minutes a day into that would create a difference would be meditation and reflection.

  6. A powerful training in itself on creating results with this power in your comment — thanks for sharing, Darren!

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